How to book ?
Return the above booking application with your deposit.
Arrival and departure times :
Your site will be kept until 3 pm. After 3 pm and without a call from you we Have the right to rent it.
Departure time : 12 noon.
Booking conditions :
A deposit for your reservation is to be paid with your booking application
by postal order by cheque or bank transfer to our account.
Banque populaire n°FR76 14707 00066 005218 97710 44
Deposit : 9,00 €uros x …………… days reserved = …… …….€uros
File and reservation fees + 13,00 €uros
TOTAL TO PAY = …………..€uros
Booking is confirmed only after receipt of your deposit and our acknowledgement of receipt.
Full payement is to be made the day before your departure.
Minimum reservation period : one week
Your stay may be extended
From 3.00 pm on the day of arrival if the hirer has not informed
The campsite of his delay by phone or fax the latter reserves the
Right to hire the appointed site.
Cancellations :
Your deposit will be returned minus application treatment costs (13,00 € )
.if cancellation is made one month before your arrival date.
After that date your deposit will not be returned.
In case of cancellation delayed arrival or unexpected leaving the deposit
Will be proportionally hald back by the campiste.